School Counseling Office

HMS School Counseling Department
The Hillsborough Middle School Counseling Program is geared to address the complex needs of the adolescent. The program is based on a team approach, whereby not only are the counselors a team, but the counselors proactively work as a team with administration, teachers, parents, and students. The three School Counselors and the Student Assistance Counselor are available to assist approximately 1,200 students in the seventh and eighth grades. Every effort is made to help each adolescent cope with the varying emotional issues they face during this transitional period of life.
For Parents
HMS school counselors work with parents/guardians to monitor their child's progress as needed. Counselors may serve as a liaison between parents/guardians and teachers or administration, setting up conferences, and providing information about academic tutoring, mental health resources or other community services.
Please feel free to spend some time navigating our website. We are sure you will find some helpful resources on a variety of topics relevant to your middle-schooler.