Health Office

Hillsborough School District

Please see the Health Office menu to the left for important health information and forms.
Click HERE for Athletic Department information.
Health Offices Contacts
Amsterdam Elementary School
Kathleen Hujber, RN - Nurse
(908) 431-6600 x2239
email id: khujber
Fax: (908) 874-6101
Hillsborough Elementary School
Lisa Goldsmith, RN - Nurse
(908) 431-6600 x2142
email id: lgoldsmith
Fax: (908) 874-3693
Sunnymead Elementary School
Nicole Fantasia, RN - Nurse
(908) 431-6600 x3091
email id: nfantasia
Fax: (908) 575-1459
Triangle Elementary School
Kim Miladinov, RN - Nurse
(908) 431-6600 x2005
email id: kmiladinov
Fax: (908) 874-8563
Woods Road Elementary School
Kim Paulhus, RN - Nurse
(908) 431-6600 x2184
email id: kpaulhus
Fax: (908) 874-6298
Woodfern Elementary School
Wawa Bukong, RN - Nurse
(908) 431-6600 x2446
email id: wbukong
Fax: (908) 369-0781
Auten Road Intermediate School
Caroline Survill, RN - Nurse
Marissa Quiampang, RN - Nurse
(908) 431-6600 x3327
email id:
Fax: (908) 371-1614
Hillsborough Middle School
Krista Williams, RN - Nurse
(908) 431-6600 x2084
email id: krwilliams
Tom Fiduk, RN - Nurse
(908) 431-6600, x2759
email id: tfiduk
Fax: (908) 874-3492
Hillsborough High School
Marta Simcak, RN, Nurse
(908) 431-6600 x2768
email id: msimcak
Allison Chanda, RN - Nurse
(908) 431-6600, x2381
email id: achanda
Helen Machat, RN - Nurse
(908) 431-6600, x2851
email id: hmachat
HHS Health Secretary Line
(908) 431-6600 x2884
Fax (908) 281-7201